Dunja Koch, LL.M.
Partnerin, London
Dunja Koch ist auf alle Aspekte des Gesellschafts- und Finanzrechts spezialisiert und berät vornehmlich britische und amerikanische Klienten im Hinblick auf Schweizer Recht. Sie ist Managing Partnerin unserer Londoner Kanzlei.
Sie verfügt über umfassende Erfahrung in gesellschaftsrechtlichen und M&A-Transaktionen, in Leveraged Finance- und Akquisitionsfinanzierungstransaktionen sowie in Projekt-, Rohstoff- und Asset-Finanzierungen, einschliesslich Flugzeugfinanzierungen. In diesem Bereich berät sie Flugzeughersteller, Banken und Leasinggesellschaften beim Kauf von Flugzeugen und Triebwerken.
Sie hat ausserdem weitreichende Erfahrung in regulatorischen Angelegenheiten, wobei sie vornehmlich Vermögensverwalter, Fonds, Effektenhändler und andere Finanzinstitute im Hinblick auf ihre grenzüberschreitenden Tätigkeiten in der Schweiz berät.
- «Dunja Koch is highly knowledgeable, blending legal expertise with commercial awareness to provide a client-focused service» – Legal 500 EMEA,Banking And Finance: Zurich, 2024
- «Dunja Koch is on top of things and is very responsive. It is also a pleasure to work with Andrea Trost. Very knowledgeable and responsive too» – Legal 500 EMEA, Transport, 2024
- «Dunja Koch is extremely user-friendly, very practical and commercial. She is also very willing to dive into the case and add a lot of value to discussions» – Chambers and Partners Global, Investment Funds, 2024
- «Dunja Koch is technically very efficient, understands the Swiss law and how to get things done, is really responsive and has a great team to work with» – Chambers and Partners Global, Banking and Finance, 2024
- «Dunja Koch is super knowledgeable and balances well the ever-present challenge of providing detailed legal advice in light of the commercial objectives of the client. She is always responsive and available to assist» – Legal 500 EMEA, Banking and Finance: Zurich, 2023
- «We are happy with her level of service, responsiveness and knowledge of the investment funds and Swiss marketing rules practice area» – Chambers and Partners Global, Investment Funds, 2023
- «London-based Dunja Koch boasts broad regulatory and asset management expertise. She is dual-qualified in the UK and Switzerland» – Chambers and Partners, Investment Funds, 2022
- «Dunja Koch is their go-to person for ship finance matters. She is very responsive and gets deals done» – Legal 500 EMEA, Transport, 2022
- «Dunja Koch is particularly responsive and knowledgeable about the Swiss regulatory regime» – Chambers and Partners Global, Investment Funds, 2021
- «It was a real pleasure to work with Dunja. We really appreciate the pragmatic and sound legal advice she gave us and also her availability and swift responses against our, sometimes, challenging deadlines. As EIB’s requirements and contractual standards are different in certain aspects from the commercial banks, we particularly appreciated that Dunja understood these differences very quickly and provided us tailor-made advice which fits best our needs» – IFLR1000, 2020
- «Very friendly and professional approach» – IFLR1000, 2020
- «She is very knowledgeable in what she is doing and has a very good insight into the practical aspects of a transaction» – IFLR 1000, 2021
- «Responsive, helpful and working above and beyond to assist in closing out transactions» – Legal 500 EMEA, Aviation, 2020
- Dunja Koch is highlighted by clients for her broad regulatory and asset management expertise. Sources describe her as someone who has «excellent technical knowledge and keeps abreast of regulatory developments, but also has the ability to provide practical guidance.» Another interviewee confirms: «Dunja Koch is particularly responsive and knowledgeable about the Swiss regulatory regime» – Chambers and Partners Global, 2020
- «The aviation team of Froriep led by Dunja Koch is one of the top two aviation teams in Switzerland. Koch has excellent knowledge and a great network within the Swiss authorities and the Swiss aviation sector. In particular her pragmatic approach is great and it is always a pleasure to work with her» – Legal 500 EMEA, Aviation, 2020
- Clients highlight that she has «extensive legal knowledge, and is pragmatic, focused and very easy to communicate with» – Chambers and Partners Global, 2020
Deals & Cases
- Beratung der Apollo Global Asset Management betreffend den Erwerb der Credit Suisse Securitized Products Group
- Zugelassen in der Liste der Solicitors in England und Wales (1999)
- Universität Queen Mary London, LL.M.
- Anwaltszulassung für die Schweiz (1997)
- Universität Zürich, lic.iur.
- Zürcher Anwaltsverband (ZAV)
- International Bar Association (IBA)
- Schweizerische Vereinigung für Luft- und Raumrecht (SVLR)
- Aviation Club of the UK
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Französisch
- Italienisch
- Private Equity, Jurisdictional Comparisons, Chapter on Switzerland, in: Charles Martin / Simon Perry, Private Equity, 2018, Jurisdictional Comparisons, Chapter on Switzerland, p. 253-274 | 27.11.2018
- Selected issues of Swiss Law in Finance Transactions, FRORIEP Banking & Finance Briefing | 08.02.2018
- The amended Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act (CISA) came into force on 1 March 2013. Many issues have been discussed in the market and brought to the attention of the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA). COO Connect Guide to AIFMD, August 2014 | 18.09.2014
- Clawback on bonuses, The Lawyer, 21 April 2014 | 23.04.2014
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Firm News
«London-based Dunja Koch boasts broad regulatory and asset management expertise. She is dual-qualified in the UK and Switzerland»