Firm & Awards

MLL Legal hosts a Vis Moot test pleading of Uni Zurich vs. Uni St. Gallen

The opening ceremony of the 31st Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna starts on 22 March 2024.

In the run-up to this event, we had the great pleasure of hosting a test hearing in our premises in Zurich on 1 February 2024, featuring the teams of the University of Zurich and the University of St. Gallen. We were deeply impressed with the knowledge, skills and passion our contestants displayed. We wish both teams the best of luck at the competition in Vienna and are convinced they will be making a stellar performance. 

The Vis Moot fosters the study of international commercial law and arbitration and provides a practical training to students in the context of a simulated arbitration. As a dedicated law firm of the future, we firmly believe it is our responsibility and duty to support and guide our young talents and as such we were very happy to offer them a rehearsal platform, answer any questions they had and hopefully provide constructive feedback which will help them in the upcoming competition. 

Many thanks to Matthias Leemann, Urs Boller and Reinhard Oertli for hosting this event and to Mimoza Ademaj and Leonardo Ohlrogge for acting as co-arbitrators! 

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