Speaking Engagements

Jean Marguerat guest speaker at the Swiss Arbitration Academy – 16 November 2024
We are happy to announce that Jean Marguerat was a guest speaker during Module 2 of the Swiss Arbitration Academy, which took place on 16 November 2024.
The Swiss Arbitration Academy offers participants the opportunity to explore issues related to arbitration from the perspectives of both counsel and arbitrators. In Module 2, Jean Marguerat and another guest speaker, Franz Stirnimann Fuentes, gave valuable insight on topics related to the early stages of arbitration, such as the commencement of arbitration proceedings, the constitutions of tribunals, the appointment of arbitrators, the procedural documents, the impact of the applicable arbitration rules, among others. After the theoretical part, Jean Marguerat and Franz Stirnimann Fuentes co-conducted a practical mock training session during which the participants were actively engaged and enhanced their advocacy skills.
More information click here.