Nouveau droit des successions en vigueur dès le 1er janvier 2023 : mesures immédiates
MLL-News, 20 Octobre 2022- FR
New inheritance law in force from 1 January 2023 – immediate actions
MLL-News, 20 October 2022- EN
Nuovo diritto successorio in vigore dal 1 gennaio 2023: misure immediate
Memorandum MLL Legal, 18 ottobre 2022- IT
Nouveau droit des successions suisse : Entrée en vigueur prévue pour le 1er janvier 2023
MLL Newsportal, 1.6.2021- FR
New Swiss Inheritance Law: Entry into force planned for 1 January 2023
MLL Newsportal, 1.6.2021- FR
Impact of the pandemic on perceptions of wealth across several jurisdictions with a focus on wealth tax
Panelist at the Private Client Global Elite membinar, 10.2.2021- EN
Latest news on the Swiss lump sum tax regime
- EN
- Serge Calame
- and the Private Clients Team
Dernières nouvelles concernant le forfait fiscal
- FR
- Serge Calame
- and the Private Clients Team