The Food, Beverage and Cosmetics Law Review: Switzerland 2022
The Law Reviews, Edition 2, 13 October 2022- EN
Trade Secret Protection: A Global Guide, Second Edition
Globe Law and Business Ltd, June 2022- EN
The Food, Beverage and Cosmetics Law Review: Switzerland 2021
The Law Reviews, Edition 1, 9 November 2021- EN
MLL advised Zalando SE in the acquisition of Zurich based start-up Fision AG
MLL-News, 16 October 2020- EN
- Sergio Bortolani
- Thomas Kälin
- Michael Reinle
- Julian Kläser
- Philipp Falk
- Dominique Burà
Duties and liabilities of online content sharing service providers (OCSSP) for publication of protected content by their users. Directive on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market (DSM Directive), Art. 17. State of implementation in different European jurisdictions and outlook.
IP conference, October, Moscow, Russia- EN
Aufenthaltsbewilligungen für vermögende Ausländer aus Drittstaaten
Private - Das Geld-Magazine, 01/2020- DE
- Julian Kläser