The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides 2024 – Switzerland: International Arbitration
The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides 2024, 2024 Legalease Ltd, December 2024- EN
Commentary: Article 12 (Independence, Impartiality and Disclosures of Arbitrators) and Article 13 (Challenge of an Arbitrator)
Swiss Rules of International Arbitration, Commentary, Zuberbühler/Müller/Habegger (Eds.), Zurich, 1st ed. 2005, 2nd ed. 2013, 3rd ed. 2023- EN
An Introduction to Ad hoc and Institutional Arbitration
Speaker at the International Arbitration Seminar Series of Law Society of Ireland, 20 June 2022- EN
- Tomás Navarro Blakemore
- Paula Gibbs
Switzerland now has mandated human rights due diligence
The FCPA Blog, News and commentary about white-collar crime, enforcement, and compliance, 25 January 2022- EN
- James F. Reardon
- Tomás Navarro Blakemore
The dawn of human rights due diligence in Switzerland?
The FCPA Blog, News and commentary about white-collar crime, enforcement, and compliance, 7 December 2020- EN
- James F. Reardon
- Tomás Navarro Blakemore
Taxing action, STEP Journal, June 2020, Vol. 28 Issue 3, p. 18
- EN
GAR – Challenging and Enforcing Arbitration Awards 2020 – Switzerland, An extract from GAR’s Challenging and Enforcing Arbitration Awards Know-how, first published in April 2020
- EN
- Jean Marguerat
- Tomás Navarro Blakemore
- James F. Reardon
The Guide to Challenging and Enforcing Arbitration Awards 2019 – Switzerland, Jurisdictional Know-How, Global Arbitration Review
- EN
The UN guiding principle on business and human rights and their role for non-profit organisations, Philanthropy Impact Magazine
- EN
Commentary of the Decision of the Federal Tribunal 4A_709/2014 of 21 May 2015 (on the role of secretaries and consultants to the arbitral tribunal), Brazilian Arbitration Journal, Ed. Kluwer, Vol. 13 (2016), Num. 52, 2016.
- EN
Rol de los secretarios y asesores del tribunal arbitral (a propósito de una sentencia del Tribunal Federal Suizo), Lima Arbitration Revista No.7, 2016 – 2017
- ES