Speaking Engagements

Patricia Guerra and Julie Wynne will be speaking at the Private Client Forum Americas 2022 in Mexico on 13 and 14 July 2022
Private Client Forum Americas unites the most senior and elite advisors to HNWIs and UHNWIs to discuss the most timely and concerning issues across the Americas, with an outlook on the rest of the world. From July 13-15 2022 the forum will bring together elite advisors to HNWIs and UHNWIs in Mexico.
Partner Patricia Guerra (Zurich) and partner Julie Wynne (Geneva) will be speakers at the conference on the 13 and 14 July.
Particia Guerra will be a panellist in the session entitled Surprise Party: Expect the Unexpected, Planning for Flexibility. The other panellists are Jay Rosenbaum (Nixon Peabody, USA), Craig MacIntyre (Conyers, Bermuda) and Daniel Lindley (Northern Trust, USA). Patricia Guerra will analyse how individuals and families can plan for the unexpected, from health issues to sudden death, geopolitical changes and relocations.
Julie Wynne will be speaking alongside Allan Dunlavy (Schillings, USA), Chris Padilla (CEO and Co-Founder of Legendary, USA) and Robin Rathmell (Kobre & Kim, USA) in the panel entitled Bad Reputation: A Resilient Digital Portfolio – Reputation in a Post-Social Media World where they will discuss how to control and manage your digital footprint – whether to optimise your digital persona, withstand a smear campaign or exploit new business opportunities. Julie Wynne will share how philanthropy and social good get more and more important for private clients in terms of their wealth planning and reputation.
Find out more about the event and register via the Private Client Forum Americas 2022 website.