Deals & Cases

MLL advised Generali in the acquisition of a real estate portfolio

MLL advised Generali in the acquisition of a real estate portfolio comprising two residential and two mixed-use buildings located in the center of Geneva. The MLL team, led by Philippe Prost (Real Estate & Construction), consisted of Cosima Trabichet-Castan (Real Estate & Construction) and Jacques Johner (Real Estate & Construction).

The particularities of this transaction, which was carried out in form of an asset deal, were the following:

  • Due to the history of the buildings, we had to carry out a detailed compliance assessment of each one of them with regard to the requirements of the Geneva LDTR law in connection to renovation works in order to identify and precisely evaluate the possible risks for the buyer.
  • The acquisition, split in two separate deeds, required to obtain a Lex Koller authorization. We were successful in obtaining such authorizations within less than two months.

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