Speaking Engagements
GAIL Europe Mid-Year Event: Business and Human Rights in the European Context on 29 September 2022
Julie Wynne, partner, head of Charity & Mission-driven organisations at MLL Legal, will participate in a panel discussion at the virtual GAIL Europe Mid-Year Event: Business and Human Rights in the European Context on 29 September 2022.
The webinar will discuss business and human rights in the European context and provide an overview on the Draft Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence (CSDD).
The session will be moderated by Roberto Randazzo, Head of ESG and Impact at Legance Italy (Moderator), along with Emiliano Giovine, Senior Associate at RP Legal & Tax Italy, Elise Grouix Diggs, Barrister, Solicitor, mediator and Door Tenant at 9 Bedford Row Chambers and Manon Wolfkamp, Projectlead Legislation at MVO Platform.
For more information about the webinar and to register please visit GAILs event page here.
The Global Alliance of Impact Lawyers (GAIL) is a community of legal leaders who are using the practice of law to have a positive impact on people and the planet, and to accelerate the just transition. We believe lawyers are uniquely positioned to facilitate change and support the movement towards a more equitable system.