Speaking Engagements

Dr. Michael Ritscher | INGRES | 3 – 5 February 2024 | Panel Discussion European Intellectual Property Practice
Michael Ritscher will once again chair the traditional INGRES conference on European intellectual property law in Zurich on 5 February.
Klaus Grabinski (UPC), Fritz Blumer (EPO), Lars Meinhardt (OLG Munich), Stefan Luginbühl (EPO), Nina Bayerl (Freshfields Munich), Mark Schweizer and Tobias Bremi (both CH PatGer) will speak on patent law, and Elisabeth Fink (BK EUIPO), Bejamin Raue (Uni Trier), Marc Steinmayer (Hildebrandt) and Timmy Pielmeier (MLL Legal) on trade mark law.