Dr. Wolfgang Müller, MBA
Partner, Zürich
T +41 58 552 05 70
Wolfgang Müller hat sich auf die Bereiche Immobilien, insbesondere Real Estate M&A, sowie Kapitalmarkt spezialisiert. Er leitet das Immobilienteam der Kanzlei. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss seines MBA an der Australian Graduate School of Management in Sydney, Australien, und der University of Michigan Business School in Ann Arbor, USA, wechselte Wolfgang Müller 1997 zu MLL Legal.
Wolfgang Müller wird unter anderem von Chambers and Partners und The Legal 500 empfohlen und ist bei The Legal 500 als „Leading Individual“ für Immobilien und Bauwesen in der Schweiz gelistet.

- «Müller is very responsive, has a great deal of expertise and can communicate the results of work in an understandable and concise manner» – IFLR 1000, 2024
- «Accurate, excellent co-operation, excellent track record, highly committed, outstanding for various types of equity capital markets and M&A transactions» – IFLR 1000, 2024
- «Wolfgang Müller is very responsive, has a great deal of expertise and can communicate the results of work in an understandable and concise manner»– Legal 500 EMEA, Capital Markets, 2024
- «Wolfgang Müller has been incredibly supportive to our company through difficult periods where other people/firms may have given up on the company. He has a very strong knowledge across corporate law, litigation, personnel matters and general business» – Legal 500 EMEA, Capital Markets, 2024
- «His advice is always precise, pragmatic, constructive, business-oriented and extremely helpful» – Chambers and Partners Europe, Real Estate, 2024
- «Wolfgang Müller is very experienced, responsive and efficient, and has attention to detail and great communication» – Chambers and Partners Europe, Real Estate, 2024
- «Extremely supportive, pragmatic, fast, cooperative, experienced in equity capital market transactions, solution-oriented, highly committed, cooperative» – IFLR 1000, 2023
- «He is a very qualified, unexcited attorney who delivers what is asked» – IFLR 1000, 2023
- «Very professional, very pragmatic and innovative; high quality of work» – IFLR 1000, 2023
- «I worked with the team of Wolfgang Müller. Very well coordinated and effective» – Legal 500 EMEA, Capital Markets, 2023
- «Wolfgang Müller is very dedicated, reliable and knowledgeable!» – Legal 500 EMEA, Capital Markets, 2023
- «From our work with MLL we single out Dr. Wolfgang Müller in particular because he always answers every question/inquiry entirely. His constructive proposals exceeded our expectations. Dr. Wolfgang Müller is always part of the transaction thinking from our point of view apart of legal aspects to reach a very positive outcome for us as clients» – Legal 500 EMEA, Real Estate and Construction, 2023
- «Wolfgang has deep knowledge of the sector, and is always committed to providing efficient and swift support to his clients» – Chambers and Partners Europe, Real Estate, 2023
- «Wolfgang Müller is a well-respected practitioner who earns commendations from peers for his deep transactional and regulatory expertise in real estate law» – Who’s Who Legal, Global Leader Real Estate, 2022
- «Wolfgang Müller: available, fast, knowledge of SIX regulations, offers flexible solutions» – Legal 500 EMEA, Capital Markets, 2022
- «Everyone I worked with was very supportive and had excellent knowledge within his or her business field. Wolfgang Müller has an outstanding knowledge and supportive attitude» – Legal 500 EMEA, Real Estate and Construction, 2022
- «Wolfgang Müller finds adequate solutions for all arising issues and puts across legal matters in detail. He is a flexible thinker who can easily adapt to any different situation. We highly appreciate his directness in addressing problems facing the essential and not losing himself in trivial details» – Legal 500 EMEA, Real Estate and Construction, 2022
- «Wolfgang Müller comes highly recommended by respondents as «a highly impressive lawyer for real estate transactions» – Who’s Who Legal, National Leader Construction & Real Estate, 2022
- «Wolfgang Müller is an expert in real estate transactions with a wealth of experience advising on high-value property acquisitions» – Who’s Who Legal, Thought Leaders Construction & Real Estate, 2021
- Wolfgang Müller advises on real estate M&A, construction projects and commercial property sales and is «very strong and experienced» – Chambers and Partners, 2021
- Wolfgang Müller is «very responsive and solution-oriented. He has creative ideas and is a trustful partner» – Legal 500 EMEA, Real Estate & Construction, 2020
- «He works with a pragmatic approach and is very reliable» – Legal 500 EMEA, Capital Markets, 2020
Deals & Cases
- Beratung von Burkhalter Holding AG im Rahmen der Fusion und Übernahme der an der SIX Swiss Exchange kotierten poenina holding ag sowie der Kotierung der neuen Burkhalter-Aktien an der SIX Swiss Exchange, wobei eine neue Gesellschaft mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von über CHF 750 Millionen (basierend auf dem Schlusskurs vom 29. Juni 2022) entstanden ist
- Beratung von Swiss Life beim Erwerb eines Immobilienportfolios bestehend aus 26 Liegenschaften in 4 Kantonen für einen Kaufpreis von CHF 360.3 Millionen
- Beratung von HIAG Immobilien AG beim Bezugsangebot an ihre Aktionäre und der Kotierung der neuen Aktien an der SIX Swiss Exchange, wobei rund CHF 160 Millionen aufgenommen wurden
- Beratung von Talenthouse bei ihrem internationalen, grenzüberschreitenden Reverse Merger in eine börsenkotierte Schweizer Gesellschaft, einschliesslich der Ausgabe und der Kotierung der neuen Aktien an der SIX Swiss Exchange im März 2022
- Beratung einer Schweizer Grossbank und einiger von ihr gemanagter Vehikel im Rahmen eines Asset-Swaps mit einer grossen Schweizer börsenkotierten Immobiliengesellschaft bezüglich des Tausches von mehreren Schweizer Immobilien mit einem Gesamtvolumen von über CHF 400 Millionen
- Beratung einer privat gehaltenen Schweizer Gesellschaft bezüglich ihres öffentlichen Angebots von Aktien mittels einer innovativen neuen Strukturierung und der Genehmigung des entsprechenden Prospekts durch die Prospektprüfstelle der SIX Exchange Regulation AG
- MBA an der Australian Graduate School of Management, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australien und University of Michigan Business School, Ann Arbor, USA (1995-1996)
- Anwaltszulassung für die Schweiz (1993)
- Universität Zürich, lic. iur., Dr. iur. (1990/1992)
- International Bar Association (IBA)
- Swiss-Chinese Chamber of Commerce (SCCC)
- CFO Forum Schweiz – CFOs
- Swiss Circle
- SwissPropTech
- Deutsch
- Englisch
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Firm News
«Wolfgang Müller is very dedicated, reliable and knowledgeable!»